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Easier, Faster and Safer with OrderBuddy

As restrictions ease and we become tempted to jump at the chance to put the last few years behind us, the behaviours we have picked up are here to stay.

The fast adoption of new technological innovations, which were incredible conveniences is now essential to running businesses.

We now seek out the lowest contact options and look to maintain certain social distances. Yet, at the same time, we unconsciously consider the cautiousness of what we touch, breathe, and do.

OrderBuddy was born to streamline the systems for easier, faster and safer access to customers, staff and business owners.

There are four different systems under OrderBuddy that work either efficiently on their own or effortlessly together.

The first is the digital QR code menu system, which will instantly have your online menu pop up for customers when paired with any smartphone.

It is simple and easy to use, with optional images for every menu item.

Customer spending is known to increase significantly through browsing all menu offerings and having the customer take control of selecting their dishes and drinks at their own pace.

Not to mention the QR code system takes away any social anxiety out of order, no matter how many changes you make.

Secondly, our POS system integrates a bold and customizable interface to feature as many functions and modes as possible to get your orders out on time efficiently.

The features include floor plans, dual language modality, live modifications and updates, and a call notification system for takeaway.

Additionally, the kitchen display system (KDS) is an extension of the POS system.

KDS provides timely information on items that need to be sent out together, items that have been completed and still to complete, and the customer's wait time since ordering.

It is the only option to help with back-of-house congestion and assist in workflow and service areas.

Our fourth available system is MobileBuddy. This system sets out to bring you 360-degrees of holistic reporting, data analysis and real-time capture of service periods.

This means more accountability, feedback and more innovative opportunities to increase revenue streams by understanding customer trends at a deeper level.

To learn more about OrderBuddy, visit our website or contact us to see how you can pay $0 for the first 12 months of OrderBuddy's total solutions system with all features at no extra cost.


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